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Old Jun 22, 2005, 04:28 PM // 16:28   #21
Frost Gate Guardian
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If you give me 3k, I will tell you the keys to beating the mission, which make it easy enough that most anyone can do it.

Tsunamii Starshine
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Old Jun 22, 2005, 04:48 PM // 16:48   #22
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Mikardo hwats your Ingame name i will take you along. I dont want ya money i do thirsty regular for the drops. Completed atleast 5 times due to being bored. My Ingame name is SandMan Uk Add Me to list and I will come help.

Key to winning are timing and ranged shots. Most groups can be taken out with good rangers before letting ghost open doors. Then run down remaining mobs once door is opened and go for the priest about 1:20 on clock. Timing is crucial else all will be rezed
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Old Jun 22, 2005, 04:52 PM // 16:52   #23
Desert Nomad
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Originally Posted by Sandman Uk
Mikardo hwats your Ingame name i will take you along. I dont want ya money i do thirsty regular for the drops. Completed atleast 5 times due to being bored. My Ingame name is SandMan Uk Add Me to list and I will come help.

Key to winning are timing and ranged shots. Most groups can be taken out with good rangers before letting ghost open doors. Then run down remaining mobs once door is opened and go for the priest about 1:20 on clock. Timing is crucial else all will be rezed
Have you played it since the last patch? The groups dont' move until the doors open now, so you can't snipe at them anymore. Unless they changed it again.
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Old Jun 22, 2005, 05:05 PM // 17:05   #24
Frost Gate Guardian
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this mission is really not that hard. it just requires organisation.

for the first arena, go right. the priority targets are the enchanted swords/forgotten champions. there should be 1 on either side of the arena. you have 2 minutes. realistically, if you want to drop the priest in time you need to be done with champions at least by 1:20. giving you 40 seconds to focus fire the priest and prevent the team from respawning. you can leave the serpents until after the priest is dead.

in the 2nd arena we approach this by hugging the left side of the wall and taking out the swords/champions again then going for the priest in the base that is straight ahead. clearing out the boss shouldnt be a problem. usually this will take 2 minutes. so we wait until the timer is at 3:45 before we start attacking the next team. forgotten avengers first. again leave 40 to 50 seconds for the priest. the avengers have to go down first, anything else you kill in that time just makes it easier on you when you go for the priest.

in the 3rd arena we clear this in an anti clockwise motion. veer right into the first base and pile onto the forgotten champion boss. once hes down go for the priest then clear up the rest of the team. heal up wait for the timer to get close to the next 2 minute interval and start taking out the next team. always prioritise the swords/champions. then avengers. go for the priest with 40 seconds to spare.

for the last base theres a monk boss. so take out the avengers as normal. you need to interrupt the boss either with melee interrupts of AoE interruption like choking gas, meteor shower or maelstrom. this stops the boss healing the priest and healing himself. same drill as normal.

a few things you need to be aware of:

dont go attacking more than 1 team at a time.

call and focus fire on a single target.

dont waste time with the serpents unless you have that time to spend. you need 40 seconds or there abouts to safely dispose of the priest. if you have less than 20 seconds and the priest is still at full health i would get your whole team to pull out and regroup. then try it again when the timer is about to roll over.

if you find that you cant take out the priest when the timer rolls over jsut get the hell out of the base or the entire enemy team will respawn there and probably kill you all.

if at all possible dont do this mission with pickups. if you must do it with pickups, it pays to strategize in advance. if you have secondary or primary mesmers then hex removal is helpful to negate the damage that the serpents cause. they do pitiful damage without their spells. if you have an earth elementalist or an ele that can spec into earth it really pays to have a ward against melee because the champions are the ones that do the most damage to your party and they will harass your casters no end. any group member that doesnt have the time to think about this or is too impatient to do this, is a retard and will probably get you killed anyway. so its no loss if they leave. this may mean that you take a long time getting a good group but that time dwarfs the time you could waste by repeatedly failing this mission because of groups with poor communication and no strategy.

Last edited by Fire Childe; Jun 22, 2005 at 05:13 PM // 17:13..
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Old Jun 22, 2005, 05:08 PM // 17:08   #25
Ascalonian Squire
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Originally Posted by Eclair
Have you played it since the last patch? The groups dont' move until the doors open now, so you can't snipe at them anymore. Unless they changed it again.
Nope this is the current setup, which makes it alot tougher to get through the quest.

But as mentioned, taking your time and concentrated fire will get you to the end. The party I completed it with, took out the snake creatures first, then attacked the Black dudes. Once we got close to the main objective of each enemy team, we attacked him then took out the others.

When I completed this, I wasnt infused, ascended or had any elites, but now I do

Last edited by Lord Crom; Jun 22, 2005 at 05:16 PM // 17:16..
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Old Jun 22, 2005, 05:25 PM // 17:25   #26
Ascalonian Squire
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All you need is an experienced IW with blackout to take priests down in 10 secs.
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Old Jun 22, 2005, 09:43 PM // 21:43   #27
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Ok you guys dont get what I was implying when I made the post. I know how to run the mission just fine but since im a necro/monk, with mostly necro skills, I cant complete with henches and every party I join, there is always one or 2 people that screw it up. Generaly, the leaders are good at calling monsters, or atleast the warriors are. Last party I got died from 4 devourers and 1 giant. All cause we didnt get a monk like I told them. I tryed making my own team and I told them to listen to me and let only me direct them, but when we go in mission, all hell broke loose by the time we got to round 2. I say the 15k armor cause I know its both good to have cause of def and also means your experienced enough to actually get that far in the game and wont waste my time.

I also will not pay you for just giving me advice to complete it since I already know but apparently others who have done it 5+ times dont get it yet. This mission is impossible without cooperation on all party members and calling the hits. The only good to come out of this mission was my very first rare drop that I sold for 3.6k on the selling forum. Ill try a few more times but if not, ill contact one of you guys to help. Starting with the people that say that dont want the money of course.
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Old Jun 22, 2005, 10:25 PM // 22:25   #28
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Ok guys. I made it through finnaly. The team was pretty bad but we somehow managed to win, along with the bonus completed. Monk wouldnt heal half the time and during 2nd phase, someone aggro'ed while we were waiting for 4 min marker. Its alright though, im happier now and plus I made it out with a Major Fast Casting rune.
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Old Jun 23, 2005, 02:19 AM // 02:19   #29
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Was it that the monk "wouldn't heal", or was it that your group was too stupid to let his energy recharge after long fights, as is usually the case?
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Old Jun 23, 2005, 03:19 AM // 03:19   #30
Ascalonian Squire
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I did it with henchies.... Sad to say playing with players made it harder most of the time
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Old Jun 23, 2005, 04:53 AM // 04:53   #31
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Originally Posted by Weezer_Blue
Was it that the monk "wouldn't heal", or was it that your group was too stupid to let his energy recharge after long fights, as is usually the case?
He just wouldnt heal most of the time cause he was afk for short periods of time during battle when we needed him. When he wasnt healing, he didnt even attack the monsters. Just stood there to regain energy. After each group of monsters, we took a small break till next 2 mins came up so we can heal and stuff.
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Old Jun 23, 2005, 05:09 AM // 05:09   #32
Ascalonian Squire
Join Date: Mar 2005

You don't need anything in particular to do this mission, I succeeded on my first try at lvl 17 with an whole henchman group( and I hadn't even read anything about it elswhere). Just be carefull and use your brain ( nothing special, just do not to anything stupid really) and I can almost guarantee you you will finish it easly.
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